Manuka Honey Versus Sugar. What Is Healthier?

July 20, 2022

Keeping ourselves healthy is always on our minds, no matter what. Choosing natural, organic or fresh produce is one way to ensure our body and mind stay in the best shape and health. We often struggle when it comes to cutting down on sugar for the betterment of our health. It can be difficult to choose a healthy, natural alternative to sugar and the sweet things we love, especially when we think the substitute might not taste as good as sugar.

This is why Healthhyy5ive's Australian Super Manuka Honey can be the perfect product to satisfy our need for something sweet and delicious and keep up with good health at the same time.

Manuka Honey Versus Sugar

Is honey really a healthier alternative to sugar? Here’s the comparison!

White table sugar contains 100g of sugar per 100g, and Manuka Honey contains only 78g of sugar per 100g.

One teaspoon of white sugar = 19kcal, 5g carbohydrates

One teaspoon of Manuka honey = 17kcal, 4.2g carbohydrates

Both Manuka Honey and sugar consist of glucose and fructose. In white sugar, these combine to form sucrose. As honey is higher in fructose, it tastes sweeter than the equivalent amount of sugar.

However, Manuka Honey is the healthy, natural alternative to sugar because you can use less honey and still get the sweetness you desire.

The natural compounds in Manuka honey mean you reap the extra health benefits. Manuka honey also contains antioxidants, vitamins C and vitamin E. Antioxidants help protect our bodies against cell damage caused by age, environmental toxins, inflammation, and sun damage. This type of cell damage can play a disastrous role in the development of cancer, diabetes, and heart and eye diseases.

The vitamins and minerals in Manuka Honey are known to be good for our overall health and well-being. Vitamin B is crucial for energy production. Calcium is necessary for good bone and heart health. Iron is essential for energy and blood cell formation. Potassium is a vital nutrient for a healthy heart. Zinc can boost your immune system and can speed up wound healing. Natural food enzymes in Manuka Honey help digestion.

MGO is one of the compounds that give Australian Super Manuka Honey its unique super-food properties. Choosing Manuka Honey as an alternative to sugar means you get the extra vitamins and minerals that benefit your overall health while also satisfying your sweet tooth with its delicious taste.

Manuka Honey is an excellent natural, healthier alternative to sugar, with the added touch of sweetness.


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